Costa de Prata - Restaurants in Fátima Area 2495 Fátima
There are several restaurants
in this area and to view the complete list please click on our the
word "List" at the bottom of these listings.
O Convite
A pleasant restaurant located within a Hotel and with a cuisine
directed at the traditional regional specialities. Accepts Credit
Cards and is always open.
Rua Jacinto Marto, 100 - Fátima
249 539 335
O Malhou
The restaurant is within a typical regional villa. The cuisine is
regional and this location is locally popular for banquets. Accepts
Credit Cards and is closed on Sunday evening and Monday.
Rua Padre Reis - Malhou
249 882 781
Pátio do Avô
A recent restaurant offering a menu of regional traditional dishes
at acceptable prices. Does not accept Credit Cards and closed on
Rua S. Martinho, 37 - Moita do Martinho - Fátima
244 704 909
Pousada Conde de Ourém
Serving a Portuguese cuisine in a refined setting and supported
by a good wine cellar to suit the tastes of its International
guests. Attractive décor with an emphasis for the past. Accepts
Credit Cards and is always open.
Largo João Manso - Ourém
249 540 920
Tia Alice
A friendly restaurant and with a pleasant rustic décor decorated.
The cuisine takes the form of regional Portuguese. Accepts Credit
Cards and is closed on Sunday evening and all Monday.
Rua do Adro - Ourém
249 531 737
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