Costa Verde - Restaurants in Guimarães Area 4800 Guimarães
There are several restaurants
in this area and to view the complete list please click on our the
word "List" at the bottom of these listings.
Pousada de Nossa Senhora da Oliveira
Located inside a historic Manor House. The cuisine reflects
regional dishes that also include an International influence.
Accepts Credit Cards and is always open.
Rua Dona Santa Maria II - Guimarães
253 514 157
Quinta de Castelães
Located within a historic house with even a museum. The
menu is varied to include a variety of traditional dishes.
Accepts Credit Cards and closed on Sunday evenings.
Estrada N101 - Lugar de Castelães - Guimarães
253 557 002
São Gião
Another restaurant that maintains its fame for serving
tasty and well prepared regional cuisine. Accepts Credit
Cards and closed on Saturday lunch and Monday.
Lugar de Vinhas - Moreira de Cónegos - Guimarães
253 561 853
Solar do Arco
This restaurant maintains a varied menu but in the main
the dishes tend to be of a regional nature. Accepts Credit
Cards and closed on Sunday evenings.
Rua de Santa Maria, 48 - Guimarães
253 513 072
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