11th Period - First Republic of Portugal
(20th Century)
20th C. |
-- |
-- |
Republican Period (1910-1917) |
1910 |
5th October - Joaquim Teófila Fernandes Braga becomes Provisional President and Prime Minister (1910-1911) |
1910 |
8th October - All Jesuits are expelled form Portugal |
1910 |
9th October - All political prisoners are released -particularly the "Carbonária" who organised past bombings |
1910 |
Strong discord between the new Republican leaders and the Church |
1910 |
17th October - Student riots in Coimbra against royalist professors |
1910 |
20th October - leaders of the Church abandon Lisbon |
1910 |
22nd October - Brazil and Argentina official recognise Portugal as a Republic |
1910 |
10th November - Britain officially recognises Republican Portugal |
1910 |
15th November - Wave of civil strikes |
1910 |
1st December - New national flag inaugurated |
1911 |
7th January - Railway workers strike is violently controlled by police |
1911 |
22nd May - National currency converted from "Real" to "Escudos" |
1911 |
28th May - Rebuplicans sweep to victory in elections |
1911 |
July - Germany attempt to occupy Morocco in its plans to take over Africa |
1911 |
24th August - Manuel José de Arriaga Brum de Silveira becomes President (1911-1915) |
1911 |
25th August - New Republican Constitution introduced |
1911 |
Women are given the vote for the first time |
1911 |
4th September - João Pinheiro Chagas becomes Prime Minister (1911) |
1911 |
4th November - Angola authorities plead for help due to local rebellions |
1911 |
13th November - Augusto César de Vasconcelos Correia becomes Prime Minister (1911-1912) |
1911 |
Foundation of the Monarchist Movement |
1911 |
Monarchist Movement take physical possession of Vinhas and Salvaterra towns |
1911 |
December - Census shows population of Portugal to be 5.950.056 |
1912 |
28th January - Rural workers strike in Évora and unrest spreads to Lisbon |
1912 |
31st January - Military forces raid Union Offices and arrest leaders and deport them to the colonies |
1912 |
May - Strike of Public Transport that lasts for 26 days |
1912 |
Workers in Évora are forced back to work by the army |
1912 |
16th June - Duarte Leite Pereira da Silva becomes Prime Minister (1912-1913) |
1912 |
6th July - Rebel Monarchists army in the north of Portugal led by Captain Paiva Canciero fails to take Valença but succeeds at Chaves two days later |
1912 |
8th July - Monarchist army flees after being defeated in Chaves |
1912 |
10th July - Press censorship introduced and freedom of speech limited |
1912 |
6th July - Monarchists army fails to take Valença but succeeds in Chaves two days later |
1913 |
Birth of actor João Villaret (1913-1961) |
1913 |
Birth of politician Álvaro Barreirinhas Cunhal (1913-2005) - prominent leader of the Communist Party |
1913 |
Marriage whilst in exile of Dom Manuel II to Dona Augusta Victória |
1913 |
9th January - Afonso Augusto da Costa becomes Prime Minister (1913-1914) |
1913 |
24th January - Foundation of Portuguese Red Cross |
1913 |
21st February - Suspicion falls on Britain and Germany on a secret accord between them on reshaping African boundaries at a cost to Portugal |
1913 |
27th April - Revolutionary Republicans attempt "coup d'etat" against the Republican government |
1913 |
28th April - Publication of numerous journals are suppressed |
1913 |
10th June - Civil riots in Lisbon is quelled by republican police |
1913 |
7th July - Revolutionary Republicans attack unsuccessfully the headquarters of the Marines |
1913 |
10th July - Portugal terminates its political contact with the Vatican |
1913 |
20th July - Monarchists attack various military bases in Lisbon |
1913 |
9th December - Portuguese fears about the future of its colonies in Africa are realized due to speech made by German Minister of Foreign Affairs |
1913 |
16th December - Ambassador Teixeira Gomes in London acquires Britain's agreement to delay the Anglo-German Treaty |
1914 |
German forces attack and occupy parts of both Angola and Mozambique in Africa |
1914 |
9th February - Bernardino Luís Machado Guimarães becomes Prime Minister (1914) |
1914 |
14th May - First major Congress of Worker Syndicates representatives held in Tomar |
1914 |
28th July - The Anglo-German Treaty is signed but according to the British terms |
1914 |
3rd August - World War I commences |
1914 |
4th August - British Ambassador states that any attack on Portuguese territory will be an attack on the Anglo-Portuguese Treaty |
1914 |
25th August - German troops attack frontier post in Mozambique |
1914 |
11th September - Portuguese troops sent to both Angola and Mozambique |
1914 |
18th September - Riots in Lisbon and Porto due to high prices of food |
1914 |
1st October - Portuguese reinforcements arrive in Angola |
1914 |
19th October - First incident in Angola between Germans and local troops |
1914 |
20th October - Monarchists incidents in Mafra and Bragança |
1914 |
30th October - "Massacre de Cuanger" - Portuguese camp attacked by Germans troops killing 22 people, mainly military |
1914 |
1st November - Portuguese reinforcements arrive in Mozambique |
1914 |
23rd November - Portugal agrees to participate actively in the World War |
1914 |
12th December - Víctor Hugo de Azevedo Coutinho becomes Prime Minister (1914-1915) |
1914 |
12th December - Several engagements between Portuguese and German forces in Angola |
1914 |
18th December - Battle of Naulila - German troops attack successfully in Angola and Portuguese troops forced to retreat to Humbe and further |
1914 |
19th December - Natives rebel against Portuguese troops in southern Angola led by Mandume |
1915 |
28th January - Joaquim Pimenta da Castro becomes Prime Minister (1915) |
1915 |
3rd February - Portugal sends second wave of troops to Angola |
1915 |
7th July - Portuguese forces occupy again Humbe in Angola |
1915 |
9th July - German forces in South West Africa surrender to General Botha, Commander-in-Chief of the South African Army |
1915 |
Local recruited natives into Portuguese Angola forces are engaged in battle with local Angolan rebels |
1915 |
3rd March - Price of bread creates riots throughout Portugal |
1915 |
4th March - Ruling Republican Party is disrupted in Parliament by the Democratic Party and the parliament buildings are closed down whilst General Pimenta da Costa forms a new Ministry. Clashes result in 200 killed and 1.000 injured. |
1915 |
29th May - Teófilo Braga is nominated as interim President |
1915 |
22nd April - Lisbon Town Hall top officials arrested by workers - this unofficial act by the public is repeated at some other Town Halls |
1915 |
15th May - The Democrats seize temporary power led by João Pinheiro Chagas |
1915 |
7th July - Portuguese forces occupy Humbe again |
1915 |
6th August - Bernardino Luís Machado Guimarães becomes President (1915-1917) |
1915 |
15th August - Portuguese forces reoccupy the Fort at Cuamto in southern Angola |
1915 |
18th August - Battle of Mongua - Portuguese forces defeat native uprising at Mongua in Angola |
1915 |
4th September - The village of rebel native leader Mandume is occupied |
1915 |
7th November - Second wave of Portuguese troops arrive in Mozambique |
-- |
Constitutional Junta (1915) |
1915 |
14th May - Junta consisting of José Norton de Matos, António Maria da Silva, José Freitas Ribeiro, Alfredo de Sá Cardoso and Álvaro de Castro (1915) |
1915 |
17th May - José Ribeiro de Castro becomes Prime Minister (1915) |
1915 |
29th November - Afonso Augusto da Costa becomes Prime Minister (1915-1916) |
1916 |
Troop re-enforcements are sent to Mozambique |
1916 |
17th February - Britain requests Portugal to commandeer all foreign boats in Portuguese harbours |
1916 |
24th February - Portugal seizes 36 German vessels at anchor in their ports |
1916 |
6th March - Germany officially declares war on Portugal |
1916 |
9th March - Portugal enters World War I in support of British and French |
1916 |
16th March - António José de Almeida becomes Prime Minister (1916-1917) |
1916 |
28th March - Trade Unions demonstrate against participation in the war |
1916 |
27th May - Battle of Namaca - Portuguese forces suffer heavy losses when engaged by German forces in northern Mozambique |
1916 |
15th June - England officially requests Portugal to participate actively in the War - accepted by Portugal on 7th August |
1916 |
July - Third wave of Portuguese troops arrive in Mozambique |
1916 |
7th August - Portugal agrees to participate in the War as requested by England in June |
1916 |
4th October - Battle of Maúta - Portuguese forces are attacked and retreat from German forces in northern Mozambique |
1916 |
22nd October - Battle of Ribeira de Nevala - Portuguese forces attack German forces and this time the Germans are made to retreat |
1916 |
8th November - Battle of Quivambo - Portuguese forces of Nevala are forced to retreat against attack from German forces |
1916 |
22nd November - Battle of Água de Nevala - German forces with reinforcements defeat Portuguese forces with a bayonet charge |
1916 |
1st December - Germans destroy outpost at Nagandi seriously weakening the defence of Mozambique |
1916 |
13th December - Machado Santos fails in his attempted revolution in Tomar |
1917 |
Diamonds are found in Angola and exploration begins by South Africa |
1917 |
30th January - Portuguese troops sail to France and participate in the front line on 4th April |
1917 |
April - Shortage of ffod cuses strikes and general unrest |
1917 |
25th April - Afonso Augusto da Costa becomes Prime Minister (1917) |
1917 |
28th April - Sidónio Bernardino da Silva Pais becomes President (1917-1918) |
1917 |
13th May - First apparition sighting of three children in Fátima |
1917 |
19th May - Riots occur in Lisbon and Porto due to rationing of food and its high cost - several people are killed in the riots |
1917 |
30th May - Portuguese troops enter in active service in the frontline in France - active engagement on the 4th June |
1917 |
12th July - Civil riots involving workers from the construction industry |
1917 |
28th November - Battle of Negomano - German forces seriously defeat Portuguese forces in Mozambique taking 550 prisoners |
1917 |
5th December - Sidónio da Pais leads "coup d'etat" and takes dictatorial control of Portugal - he dismisses the President and arrests Augusto da Costa |
1917 |
3rd December - Battle of Serra Mecula - Portuguese troops led by Captain Francisco Pedro Curado resist for three days German attacks |
1917 |
8th December - Sidónio Bernardino da Silva Pais becomes Prime Minister (1917) |
1917 |
9th December - Parliament is dissolved |
1917 |
12th December - President Bernardo Machado resigns |
-- |
Military Administration (1917) |
1917 |
Conflict between Republicans and supporters of the Monarchy |
1918 |
Influenza pandemic registers more than 60.000 deaths |
1918 |
6th January - Naval officers attempt a counter-revolution |
1918 |
9th April - Portuguese troops in Flanders suffer heavy casulties from German attack |
1918 |
28th April - Elections for President with Sodónio Pais as only candidate |
1918 |
1st July - Battle of Nhamacurra - German troops destroy the main deposit of sugar in central Mozambique |
1918 |
8th September - Food rationing introduced in Portugal |
1918 |
12th October - Several anti-government bombs which causes a "state of emergency" to be declared |
1918 |
14th October - Mine-sweeper sinks first German submarine |
1918 |
16th October - Street disturbances in Lisbon causes several deaths |
1918 |
11th November - End of World War I |
1918 |
12th November - General Lettow-Vorbeck surrenders his arms in Mozambique in recognition of the Armistice |
1918 |
12th November - General Strike mounted by workers |
1918 |
5th December - A failed attempt to assinate Sidónio Pais |
1918 |
14th December - Assassination of President Sidónio Pais |
-- |
Republican Administration (1918-1926) |
1918 |
14th December - João do Canto e Castro Silva Antunes Júnior becomes Provisional President and Prime Minister (1918-1919) |
1918 |
23rd December - João Tamagnini de Sousa Barbosa becomes Prime Minister (1918-1919) |
1918 |
Agriculture workers revolt in the Alentejo |
1918 |
3rd January - Troops in Porto display their support for "Sidónism" |
1918 |
12th January - Revolutionary Republican street support in Santarém creates street conflict with soldiers |
1918 |
9th April - Battle of La Leys - Portuguese forces suffer heavy casualties in battle |
1918 |
18th September - General Lethow-Voerbeck returns to Germany with his troops from Mozambique - without having been defeated once in battle during four years of fighting against Portugal |
1918 |
12th October - Rallies in the countryside against the government |
1918 |
16th October - Riots in Lisbon kill several people |
1918 |
11th November - Germany accepts Armistice and peace is declared |
1918 |
12th October - Rallies in the countryside against the government |
1918 |
14th October - Courageous action by 1st-Leutenante Carvalho Araújo saves 206 people during an attack by a German submarine on a civil passenger boat |
1918 |
12th November - General Strike throughout Portugal |
1918 |
23rd November - Portuguese troops return from France and Belgium |
1918 |
14th December - Second and successful attempt to assassinate Sidónio Pais |
1918 |
16th December - Canto e Castro is nominated as interim President |
1919 |
Birth of poet Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen (1919-2004) |
1919 |
3rd January - Military Junta in Porto assumes control of Portugal |
1919 |
12th January - Republican rally in Santarém is opposed by military forces |
1919 |
19th January - Most large towns in the north openly support the Monarchist Movement including Porto and declare support for a new Party named "Monarquia do Norte" |
1919 |
27th January - José Carlos de Mascarenhas Relvas becomes Prime Minister (1919) |
1919 |
13th February - Republican movement retake possession of all rebel towns including Porto |
1919 |
20th January - Republican demonstrations in Lisbon against the "Monarquia do Norte" |
1919 |
13th February - Government troops enter Porto and disband the Monarchist Movement |
1919 |
30th March - Domingos Leite Pereira becomes Prime Minister (1919) |
1919 |
May - Strikes in many areas of commerce and services |
1919 |
3rd June - Strike by railway workers that lasts two months |
1919 |
17th June - General Strike - bombs are exploded |
1919 |
20th June - First edition of "Avante" - the Communist Party paper |
1919 |
30th June - Alfredo Ernesto de Sá Cardoso becomes Prime Minister (1919-1920) |
1919 |
14th July - Portuguese troops participate in the victory march in Paris |
1919 |
15th August - More bombs explode in Lisbon |
1919 |
5th October - António José de Almeida becomes President (1919-1923) |
1920 |
Birth of singer Amália Rodrigues (1920-1999) |
1920 |
21st January - Domingos Leite Pereira becomes Prime Minister (1920) |
1920 |
21st February - More bombs explode in Lisbon |
1920 |
8th March - António Maria Baptista becomes Prime Minister (1920) |
1920 |
17th March - Strikes with protesters firing at police |
1920 |
19th March - English fleet moored in Estuary Tejo stage a live fire action to dissuade rioters from making an extreme left-wing revolution |
1920 |
12th April - More bombs explode in Lisbon |
1920 |
26th June - José Ramos Preto becomes Prime Minister (1920) |
1920 |
26th June - António Maria da Silva becomes Prime Minister (1920) |
1920 |
July - Civil unrest throughout Portugal |
1920 |
19th July - António Joaquim Granjo becomes Prime Minister (1920) |
1920 |
September - Civil unrest continues throughout Portugal |
1920 |
November - Government falls again due to political chaos |
1920 |
20th November - Álvaro Xavier de Castro becomes Prime Minister (1920) |
1920 |
30th November - Liberato Damião Robeiro Pinto becomes Prime Minister (1920-1921) |
1921 |
António Salazar is elected to Parliament but after two months he resigns |
1921 |
March - The Portuguese Communist Party is founded |
1921 |
2nd March - Bernadino Luís Machado Guimarães becomes Prime Minister (1921) |
1921 |
22nd March - Successful first flight to Funchal in Madeira from Lisbon |
1921 |
21st May - Captain Pires Monteiro attempts a military "coup d'etat" |
1921 |
23rd May - Tomé José de Barros Queirós becomes Prime Minister (1921) |
1921 |
July - Civil unrest throughout Portugal |
1921 |
July - Civil unrest again in Lisbon |
1921 |
10th July - Oliveira Salazar is elected to his first political post as a Catholic Deputy for the town of Guimarães |
1921 |
30th August - António Joaquim Granjó becomes Prime Minister (1921) |
1921 |
30th September - Colonel Manuel Maria Coelho attempts a military "coup d'etat" |
1921 |
19th October - Radical sailors of the Democratic Party assassinate leaders of Republican Party - those that died include Prime Minister António Granjó, Machado Santos and Carlos de Maia. |
1921 |
19th October - António Manuel Maria Coelho becomes Prime Minister (1921) |
1921 |
19th October - Machado Santos, politician and founder of the Portuguese Republic assassinated by military rulers |
1921 |
5th November - Carlos Maia Pinto becomes Prime Minister (1921) |
1921 |
9th November - First major rail accident with many killed and injured |
1921 |
16th December - Francisco Pinto da Cunha Leal becomes Prime Minister (1921-1922) |
1922 |
Birth of author José Saramago (1922-) - awarded Nobel Prize for Literature in 1998 |
1922 |
Birth of art critic José-Augusto França (1922-) |
1922 |
7th February - António Maria da Silva becomes Prime Minister (1922-1923) |
1922 |
30th March - Successful flight coast to coast over the Atlantic by Gago Coutinho and Sacadura Cabral |
1922 |
17th Abril - Pact of Paris signed between Monarchists, Liberals and others recognising Dom Manuel II and his son Dom Duarte as rightful inheritor of the crown of Portugal |
1922 |
29th May - Riots in Macau causing 32 deaths and hundreds injured |
1922 |
20th June - Ex-Prime Minister Liberato Ribeiro Pinto and others are deported to the Azores |
1922 |
5th August - Riots due to the high price of bread |
1922 |
2nd September - Bombs explode in Porto |
1922 |
8th September - Right-wing Sérgio Príncipe is assassinated |
1923 |
Birth of painter and writer Mário Cesariny de Vasconcelos (1923-) |
1923 |
February - Riots and bombs continue to explode in Lisbon |
1923 |
17th March - Inauguration of first Nationalist Party Congress |
1923 |
9th June - Inauguration of first Radical Party Congress |
1923 |
16th August - Riots again when bread increases by 50% in price |
1923 |
6th October - Manuel Teixeira Gomes becomes President (1923-1925) |
1923 |
10th November - Inauguration of first Communist Party Congress |
1923 |
15th November - António Ginestal Machado becomes Prime Minister (1923) |
1923 |
10th December - Captain João Manuel de Carvalho - attempts a military "coup
d'état" |
1923 |
18th December - Álvaro Xavier de Castro becomes Prime Minister (1923-1924) |
1924 |
Birth of politician Mário Soares (1924-) |
1924 |
Birth of poet and surrealist Alexandre O'Neal (1924-1986) |
1924 |
Birth of theatre and film actress Carmen Dolores |
1924 |
22nd February - Riots commence again |
1924 |
2nd April - Brito Pais and Sarmento Beiras leave to fly to Macau |
1924 |
30th May - Revolt by officers of the Air Force |
1924 |
20th June - Brito Pais and Sarmento Beiras arrive in Macau |
1924 |
7th July - Alfredo Rodrigues Gaspar becomes Prime Minister (1924) |
1924 |
14th July - Violent conflict between the Military and Police against the National Guard in Lisbon |
1924 |
11th August - Left-wing failed attempt "coup
d'état" |
1924 |
28th August - Another Left-wing failed attempt to create a "coup
d'état" |
1924 |
12th September - Radical and communists attempt to occupy public offices |
1924 |
14th October - Riots in the north of Portugal |
1924 |
15th November - Sacadura Cabral officially presumed lost at sea |
1924 |
22nd November - José Domingos dos Santos becomes Prime Minister (1924-1925) |
1925 |
Birth of guitarist Carlos Paredes (1925-2004) |
1925 |
Proposal made by left-wing parties to handover all land to farm workers - this was not accepted |
1925 |
2nd January - Portugal officially recognises the Soviet State of Russia |
1925 |
15th February - Vitorino Máximo de Carvalho Guimarães becomes Prime Minister (1925) |
1925 |
5th March - Three officers with Monarchist sympathies attempt to occupy the General Army Headquarters in Lisbon |
1925 |
18th April - General Sinel de Cordes leads a pro-Conservative military attempt to an unsuccessful "coup d'état" |
1925 |
3rd June - Attempted General Strike fails |
1925 |
17th June - Approval is given to form the Bank of "Angola & Metrópole" to Alves dos Reis |
1925 |
19th June - Another attempted military "coup d'etat" by Commander Mendes Cabeçadas with moderate Republican military sympathisers |
1925 |
1st July - António Maria da Silva becomes Prime Minister (1925) |
1925 |
1st August - Domingos Leite Pereira becomes Prime Minister (1925) |
1925 |
23rd November - Alves dos Reis as a forger is exposed - his counterfeit money plan was so successful that he almost became richer than the Bank of Portugal - as a result he was in part responsible for the introduction of the Third Republic (1898-1955) |
1925 |
6th December - Alves dos Reis is arrested |
1925 |
11th December - Bernardinho Luís Machado Guimarães becomes President (1925-1926) |
1925 |
18th December - António Maria da Silva becomes Prime Minister (1925-1926) |
1926 |
Workers make a peaceful march from Braga to Lisbon to demand better conditions |
1926 |
February - Student riots in Coimbra |
1926 |
1st February - Radical Republican sympathisers in the Regiment of Artillery in Vendas Novas revolt and occupy the Forte de Almada and start firing at Lisbon |
1926 |
28th May - General Gomes de Costa starts a military coup in Braga - he surrenders the next day believing it has failed |
1926 |
29th May - Portuguese Communist Party interrupts its 2nd Congress |
1926 |
29th May - The Trade Unions declare their neutrality towards the coup |
1926 |
30th May - President Bernardino Machado resigns |
1926 |
30th May - The military coup attempt is continued throughout Portugal and the Government falls |
1926 |
28th May - Catholic army officers organized from Braga stage a successful "coup
d'état" - they proceed to eradicate all Republican sympathisers within their ranks |
1926 |
May 30th - The military coup attempt is continued throughout Portugal and the Government falls |
-- |
-- |
3rd Period |
Fourth Dynasty (17th Century to 20th Century) |
4rd Period |
Second Republic (20th Century) |
Return to Index of History Periods |
Prime Ministers
The above was compiled by Michael Tannock from published information
in the Portuguese language. While every care was taken in obtaining the above
facts some conflicting dates, information and spelling were encountered.
In such cases, our own discretion was used in choosing which facts
to publish. |