Adega da Ti Fernanda
Slightly crowded typical popular restaurant. The cuisine is
traditionally regional at acceptable prices. Does not accept
Credit Cards and is closed on Monday. |
Avenida da Estação - São Pedro do Sul |
232 712 468 |
The décor is a mixture between a modest rustic and a modern
abstract. Regional cuisine and homemade cheeses. Accepts
Credit Cards and is always open. |
Rua da Restauração, 5 - Nelas |
232 944 903 |

A family staffed restaurant serving a regional cuisine of
typical speciality dishes. Accepts Credit Cards and is
closed on Tuesday. |
Urb. da Miserícordia, Lote A-5 - Cabanões - Viseu |
232 469 175 |
Muralha da Sé
A very popular restaurant for the quality of its cuisine
and the attractive policy of "value for money"
prices. Accepts Credit Cards and is closed on Sunday
evening and Monday. |
Adro de Sé - Viseu |
232 437 777 |
Os Antónios
Located within an old house the restaurant serves a cuisine
based on regional specialities and is considered locally as
good value. Accepts Credit Cards and is closed on Tuesday. |
Largo Vasco da Gama - Nelas |
232 949 515 |
Quinta da Cabriz
Famous for its wine the owner of this large estate has created
a restaurant for visitors so they may tour his vineyards and
then enjoy good food at the same time as proving his wines.
It is recommended that you make a prior reservation as it is
a popular location for groups of visitors. |
Estrada N 234 - Carregal do Sul |
232 961 222 |
Quinta da Margarenha
A restaurant that provides for both the individual and large
parties. The cuisine is regional and well organised. Accepts
Credit Cards and closed on Sunday evening and Monday. |
Estrada N 16 - Via Caçador - Viseu |
232 479 106 |
Zé Pataco
A family staffed restaurant serving good regional cuisine at
"value for money" prices. Accepts Credit Cards and
is closed on Tuesday. |
Rua do Comércio - Canas de Senhorim |
232 671 121