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Castelo Branco - History
The official recognition of its existence was in the 13th Century when in
1214 King Afonso II presented the town to the Knights of the Temple. A
town that being close to the frontier to Spain has been subject to many
attacks during its subsequent history. The Spanish sacked it in 1640, and
in 1704 it was again taken and sacked but this time by a combined Spanish
and French army. Later, in 1807 the city and its inhabitants suffered once
more but for the last time by the hand of the invading French forces. (Visit - Portugal History)
Castelo Branco - Description
The city is the commercial and administrative centre of the region named
Beira Baixa. The restored walls of the 16th Century castle still
keep watch over the present-day city. The most outstanding attraction to
be seen is the Jardim Episcopal adjoining the palace of the Bishop.
Created in the 18th Century the layout is very formal but the stonework
and statues that decorate the garden are so heavily Baroque in style it
creates a distinct impression in your memory. Carved stone replicas of
saints, monarchs, animals and general objects, stand silently in witness
to your presence. The then much hated Spanish Kings are reproduced in
half-size as a form of political statement of that time. Within the palace
is the Museu Francisco Tavares Proença Júnior, displaying amongst
the sacred objects some fine examples of silk-embroidered bedspreads from
the region. These bed covers have been produced in this area for several
hundred years and are know as "colchas".
Castelo Branco - Nearby Locations
Directly to the north of this town are São Vicente de Beira, Castelo
Novo and the 4th Century town of Alpedrinha. All three of these
mountain towns are rich in medieval palaces and atmosphere. The many old
buildings that have been little changed in appearance over the centuries
and visually take any visitor romantically back to a sense of living in
medieval times.
In contrast the town of Covilhã lying further to the north is a
typical representative of today’s active commercial town and acts as a
gateway to the famed mountain park area named Serra de Estrela.
To the northeast of Castelo Branco is the village of
Idanha-a-Velha, a modest village with a rich historical background
and surrounded by massively thick Roman walls. It is reputed to have been
the birthplace of the famed Visigoth King named Wamba. The
restored 16th Century Church built on its own ruins dates as far back as
to the 4th Century. In the middle of the village square stands a 17th
Century pillory. Nearby are the ruins of a tower "Torre das
Templários" underneath which are the ruins of a Roman temple
dedicated to the god Venus. A large modern museum has been constructed
which contains carved and inscribed Roman stones.
Still further to the north of Castelo Branco is the fascinating
village of Monsanto. Many of the buildings have been built out of
granite stone and there are occasional small houses constructed between
massive boulders in the tight narrow granite cobbled streets.
Castelo Branco Photos
Castelo Branco Cathedral
· Castelo Branco Town
· Castelo Branco Castle Walls
· Castelo Branco Old Town Square
· Castelo Branco Palace
· Moorish Tower
Transmontana Towns
· Chaves
· Guarda
· Vila Real
· Viseu
